



  • Tanaka, M. (2021). Individual perceptions of group work environment, motivation, and achievement. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. doi: 10.1515/iral-2019.0082
  • Tanaka, M. (2021). Evaluating a scale’s construct validity to assess the group work environment using the Rasch model. JALT Journal, 43(1), 82–99 doi: 10.37546/jaltjj43.1-4


  • Tanaka, M. (2020). The role of self-construal in EFL vocabulary learning. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. doi: 10.1515/iral-2019.0082


  • Okada, Y. (2019). Discursive construction of “antisocial” institutional conduct: Microanalysis of Takata’s failure at the U.S. congressional hearings. Journal of Pragmatics, 142, 105-115. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2019.01.013


  • Ishino, M., & Okada, Y. (2018). Constructing students’ deontic status by use of alternative recognitionals for student reference. Classroom Discourse, 9, 95–111. doi: 10.1080/19463014.2017.1407947


  • 今尾康裕岡田悠佑小口一郎・早瀬尚子 (編) (2017)  英語教育徹底リフレッシュ-グローバル化と 21世紀型の教育 開拓社.

  • Tanaka, M. (2017). Examining personality bias in peer assessment of EFL oral presentations: A preliminary study. JALT Journal, 39(2), 183–196.
  • Tanaka, M. (2017). Investigating the effects of short in-class extensive reading on improving English proficiency. The Language Teacher, 41(3) 3–8.
  • Tanaka, M. (2017). Examining EFL vocabulary learning motivation in a demotivating learning environment. System, 65, 130–138.
  • Tanaka, M. (2017). Factors Affecting Motivation for Short In-class Extensive Reading. The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 14(1), 98–113.


  • 岡田悠佑 (2016). 相互行為能力の発達を解き明かす:縦断的会話分析の方法と意義.  Fundamentals Review (電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ研究誌), 9 , 304–317.(寄稿) 


  • Okada, Y. (2015). Building rapport through sequentially linked joke-serious responses in second language job interviews.Pragmatics and Society, 6, 593–614. doi: 10.1075/ps.6.4.06oka

    Okada, Y. (2015). Contrasting identities: a language teacher’s practice in an English for specific purposes classroom. Classroom Discourse, 6, 73–87. (Taylor and Francis). doi: 10.1080/19463014.2014.961092

  • 岡田悠佑 (2015). アイデンティティによる尺度化: 言語教師の定式化手続きの会話分析研究. JALT Journal, 37, 147–170. 

  • Okada, Y. (2013). Prioritization: A formulation practice and its relevance for interaction in teaching and testing contexts. In T. Greer, D. Tatsuki and C. Roever (Eds.), Pragmatics and Language Learning Vol. 13 (pp. 55–77). Honolulu, HI: National Foreign Language Resource Center. 

  • Okada, Y., & Greer, T. (2013). Pursuing a relevant response in OPI role-plays. In S. Ross & G. Kasper (Eds.), Assessing second language pragmatics (pp. 288–310). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.

  • Okada, Y. (2010). Role-play in oral proficiency interviews: Interactive footing and interactional competencies. Journal of Pragmatics, 42, 1647–1668.  doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2009.11.002

  • Okada, Y. (2010). Repairing “failed” question in foreign language classrooms. JALT Journal, 32, 55–74.

  • Okada, Y. (2010). Learning through peripheral participation in overheard/overseen talk in the language classroom. In T. Greer (Ed.), Observing talk: Conversation analytic studies into second language interaction (pp. 133–149). Tokyo: JALT. *PDF