Signs Description
1 VBD 1. past tense
2 VBN 2. perfect aspect verbs
3 VBP/Z 3. present tense
4 RB_place 4. place adverbials (above, beside, outdoors)
5 RB_time 5. time adverbials (early, instantly, soon)
6 PP1 6. first person pronouns
7 PP2 7. second person pronouns
8 PP3 8. third person pronouns (excluding it)
9 IT 9. pronoun it
10 PrnDem 10. demonstrative pronouns (that, this, these, those as pronouns)
11 PrnIndef 11. indefinite pronouns (e.g., anybody, nothing, someone)
12 DO 12. do as pro-verb
13 wh-q 13. wh-questions
14 nominalizat 14. nominalizations (ending in -tion, -ment, -ness, -ity)
15 gerunds 15. gerunds
16 nouns 16. nouns
17 agls_passives 17. agentless passives
18 by_passives 18. by-passives
19 BE 19. be as main verb
20 EX 20. existential there
21 thatVComp 21. that verb complements (I said that he went.)
22 thatJJComp 22. that adjective complements (I’m glad that you like it.)
23 wh-cls 23. wh-clauses (I believed what he told me.)
24 inf 24. infinitives
25 PresPplCls 25. present participial clauses (Stuffing his mouth with cookies, Joe ran out the door.)
26 PastPplCls 26. past participial clauses (Built in a single week, the house would stand for fifty years.)
27 PP_Whdel 27. past participial WHIZ deletions (the solution produced by this process)
28 PresP_WHdel 28. present participial WHIZ deletions (the event causing this decline is...)
29 that-R_subj 29. that-relatives: subject position (the dog that bit me)
30 that-R_obj 30. that-relatives: object position (the dog that I saw)
31 wh-R_subj 31. wh-relatives: subject position (the man who likes popcorn)
32 wh-R_object 32. wh-relatives: object position (the man who Sally likes)
33 wh-R_pied-p 33. wh-relatives: pied-pipings (the manner in which he was told)
34 sent_R 34. sentence relatives (Bob likes fried mangoes, which is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard of)
35 CSR_causative 35. causative adverbial subordinator (because)
36 CSR_concessive 36. concessive adverbial subordinator (although, though)
37 CSR_condition 37. conditional adverbial subordinator (if, unless)
38 CSR_other 38. other adverbial subordinator (since, while, whereas)
39 prep 39. prepositions
40 JJ_attrib 40. attributive adjectives (the big horse)
41 JJ_pred 41. predicative adjectives (the horse is big)
42 RB 42. adverbs
43 TTR 43. type/token ratio
44 w_length 44. word length
45 conjuncts  45. conjuncts (consequently, furthermore, however)
46 dwn-toners 46. downtoners (barely, nearly, slightly)
47 hedges  47. hedges (at about, something like, almost)
48 amplifiers  48. amplifiers (absolutely, extremely, perfectly)
49 emphatics  49. emphatics (a lot, for sure, really)
50 RP_discourse 50. discourse particles (sentence initial well, now, anyway)
51 dem 51. demonstratives
52 Md_possibility  52. possibility modals (can, may, might, could)
53 Md_necessity 53. necessity modals (ought, should, must)
54 Md_predictive  54. predictive modals (will, would, shall)
55 V_public 55. public verbs (assert, declare, mention, say)
56 V_private  56. private verbs (assume, believe, doubt, know)
57 V_suasive 57. suasive verbs (command, insist, propose)
58 seem/appear 58. seem/appear
59 contractions 59. contractions
60 that_del 60. that deletion (I think [that] he went)
61 strand_prep  61. stranded prepositions (the candidate that I was thinking of )
62 splitInf 62. split infinitives (he wants to convincingly prove that ...)
63 splitAux 63. split auxiliaries (they are objectively shown to ...)
64 CCPhr 64. phrasal coordination (NOUN and NOUN; ADJ and ADJ; VERB and VERB; ADV and ADV)
65 CCIndepCls 65. independent clause coordination (clause initial and)
66 NEGsyn 66. synthetic negation (no answer is good enough for Jones)
67 NEGana 67. analytic negation (that’s not likely)