Problem Is A Target

Source Domain

Target Domain

Presenting Problem Is Setting Up Target

-- 1 He set up a problem for us.

Trying To Solve Problem Is Shooting At Target

-- 1 The mayor targetted the problem of homelessness.

-- 2 He took aim at the problem.

-- 3 He spearheaded the investigation.

Solving Is Striking A Solution

-- 1 He hit upon a solution.

-- 2 He took a stab at the answer.

-- 3 You hit it right on the head.

IMPORTANT IS CENTRAL "took a stab at" may not belong here. I wish there were more evidence forthis metaphor. Where is the evidence that the solution is part of the target here? You might say "bull's eye" when someone guesses somethingcorrectly, I guess.

Jane Espenson

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