Moral Accounting

Doing Moral Deeds Is Accumulating Credit:putting Money Into Society.

- 1 He worked hard on that account: they owe him a vacation.

- 2 I deserve something for all the good deeds I've done.

- 3 The system cheated him.

- 4 He deserves credit for his efforts.

- 5 It's to your credit.

Doing Immoral Deeds Is Accumulating Debt:taking Money From Society.

- 1 He owes a debt to society.

- 2 You have to pay for your mistakes.

Benefitting Is Accumulating Debt.

- 1 He is indebted to her for her help.

- 2 I couldn't possibly repay your kindness.

Moral Debt Can Be Paid Off With Moral Deeds:paying Back The Money.

- 1 I'll make it up to everyone for what I've done.

- 2 I want to give back to society what I took from it.

Moral Debt Can Be Paid Off With Punishment:the Society Taking Money From You

- 1 He reentered society with a clean slate.

- 2 Haven't I paid enough for my mistakes?

- 3 They exacted the debt from his hide.

Moral Account Is Record Of Transactions

- 1 Take into account all the good things he's done.

- 2 I'm holding you accountable.

- 3 His lying counts against him in my book.

Source Domain
debt, accounting, balance

Target Domain
morality, immorality, morals

- 1 I owe you a favor for that good deed.

- 2 You saved my life! How could I ever repay you?

- 3 You've been so kind; I'm deeply indebted to you.

- 4 Your generous acts have earned you my respect.

- 5 I owe you more than you'll ever know, for what you've done for me.

- 1 I'll pay you back for what you did to me.

- 2 I owe you one for that insult.

- 3 The wages of sin is death.

- 4 You'll get what you deserve for that!

- 5 You'll get what's coming to you.

- 1 You owe me an apology for your rudeness.

- 2 I demand an apology.

- 3 I'll make up for any harm I've done.

- 4 One mistake cost me years of suffering.

- 1 I'll make you pay for what you did!

- 2 I'll take it out of your hide.

- 3 He'll get even with you for this.

- 4 Take revenge.

- 1 She never expects anything for what she's done.

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