Mental Accounting


Source Domain

Target Domain

Events Are Transactions

Results Are Net Balances

-- 1 In sum,

-- 2 To sum it all up. . .

-- 3 So what's the bottom line?

Understanding The Causation Is Adding Up/figuring Out

-- 1 figure it out

-- 2 that figures

-- 3 I figure

-- 4 How does that figure in?

-- 5 I reckon

-- 6 It doesn't add up.

-- 7 a calculating person

-- 8 a calculated risk

-- 9 I can put two and two together.

-- 10 This adds up to trouble

Note: effects can also be seen in expressions like "This spells trouble"and need further work.

Explaining The Causation Is Accounting

-- 1 She gave an account of her day

-- 2 How do you account for this fact?

-- 1 I didn't count on his showing up too.

-- 2 I didn't take account of that possibility.

-- 3 I didn't take that possibility into account.

Note: (rather than about causation itself). Like other such epistemicmetaphors, it works "backwards", reasoning from effects to causes.

GL, JE, Alan Schwartz

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