Ideas Are Locations

Source Domain
location, landscape

Target Domain

The Mind Is A Traveler

Thinking Is Moving In The Ideascape

-- 1 The data constrained my thoughts

-- 2 My fear kept me from getting to the truth

-- 3 I'm letting my mind drift

-- 4 Don't jump to conclusions

- 1 He's all wrapped up in his beliefs

- 2 He's tied to a belief in objectivism

- 3 That's a liberating idea

Note: He mind lept to the conclusion, etc.

-- 1 We reason from premise to conclusion.

-- 2 It goes against reason that she's guilty.

-- 3 Reason forces me to that conclusion.

-- 4 Reason leads me to that conclusion.

-- 1 The evidence pointed in all different directions.

-- 2 There is evidence opposing that conclusion.

-- 3 What we know goes against that conclusion.

-- 4 This assumption is what's misleading us.

-- 1 We're getting off track

-- 2 Don't interrupt my train of thought

-- 3 I can follow what he's saying

-- 4 She's got a one-track mind

Jane Espenson

Understanding Is Arriving

-- 1 When will he come to the point?

-- 2 I can see where this is going

Communication Is Guiding

-- 1 The book led him to an understanding of Buddhism

Remembering Is Returning To A Past Location

Creativity Is Trailblazing

Alan Schwartz

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