Getting Is Eating

Source Domain
eating, food

Target Domain
getting, taking

- 1 Cough up the money you owe me!

- 2 I've been feeding him funds illegally for a year.

Desire Is Hunger

- 1 He's drooling over a new car

- 2 The job is a mouth-watering opportunity

- 3 honey, sugar, sweetie (used for desired people)

Note: source domain is reception. For example:Getting a Property is Getting a Possession + Getting is Eating =Getting a Property is Eating.See the file: ChangePerception is Reception + Getting is Eating = Perceiving is EatingSee this mapping in the file: Perception.Learning is Reception + Getting is Eating = Learning is EatingSee the Files on this: MentalObj or IdeasResponsibilities are Object + Getting is Eating =Taking on Responsibilities is Eating.See File: Responsibitlies.Conduit + Getting is Eating = Receiving Opinion is Eating???See: MentalObjTreatment is a Transferred Object + Getting is Eating =Acting on is Eating.See: Acting On

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