Beliefs Are Love Objects

Source Domain
lovers, spouses, partners, people

Target Domain

Considering Believing Is Considering Entering A Relationship

-- 1 He flirted with a belief in utter hedonism in his youth.

Accepting A Belief Is Entering A Relationship

-- 1 He embraced that belief wholeheartedly.

-- 2 He is wedded to a belief in his own infallability.

-- 3 He espoused that belief publically.

A Tempting Belief Is A Tempting Possible Partner

-- 1 That's a seductive belief.

-- 2 That's an enticing belief.

-- 3 There is something attractive about that belief.

Maintaining A Belief Is Loving A Partner

-- 1 He cherishes his faith.

-- 2 He holds that belief dear.

-- 3 He is taken with that belief.

Giving Up A Belief Is Ending The Relationship

-- 1 He repudiated his earlier belief.

-- 2 He has totally divorced himself from that belief.

Jane Espenson

Source Domain
children, pets, animals, babies

Target Domain

-- 1 That has always been his pet belief.

Taking Up A Belief Is Gaining A Child Or Pet

-- 1 He adopted that belief late in his life.

Maintaining A Belief Is Caring For A Child Or Pet

-- 1 He nourished his belief with weekly church visits.

-- 2 He fostered the belief within himself.Notice that "give birth to" isn't here, because I think that means to bring abelief into being, while according to this mapping it should mean to believe it (each person should give birth only to their own beliefs).

Jane Espenson

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