
大阪大学言語文化研究科比較言語文化論 水3
前期 外国出張のため休講


大阪大学言語文化研究科比較言語文化論 木3
さまざまなメディアにおける「もてる男」の表象の分析を試みる。学生の希望にあわせていろいろな時代・言語の小説、詩、映画、演劇、TVドラマ、コミック、アニメなど、多様なテキストを取り上げたい。「色男」や「ドン・ファン」との比較を通じて、理論的な理解枠を作ることも行っていく。参考文献としてヨコタ村上孝之『性のプロトコル』(新曜社 1997年)、Don Juan East/West: On the Problematics of Comparative Literature (Albany, NY: SUNY P, 1998)からも読む予定。

The study of anime.
Reading chapter by chapter Susan Napir's Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke, we will discuss various issues, related to contemporary Japanese animation and its relation to the cultural/social background: gender construction, yaoi, hyper media, otaku culture, postmodern subjectivity, comis, etc.

大阪大学言語文化研究科比較言語文化論 金2
Graduate seminar at the Graduate Shool of Language and Culture, Osaka University. Fri 2nd.
前期 「ロリコンの系譜学」
後期 「スパイと文学」

関西学院大学社会学部 文化論講義 水3限

大阪大学言語文化研究科比較言語文化論 木3
Graduate seminar at the Graduate Shool of Language and Culture, Osaka University. Thu 3rd period.


Stanford Center (Kyoto center for Japanese studies). Japanese popular culture

Course description The contemporary Japanese comics has achieved an immense popularity by far the most significant in the world. This course attempts, through reading representative works, to analyze the Japanese comics both historically and structurally, aiming at answering the questions such as: why and how the Japanese contemporary comics has achieved such an immense success both as media and as merchandise; how does it affect the formation of the subjectivity of the Japanese readership; how can we situate the media in the critical discourse; what are its features as a formof subculture, etc. Postmodern theoretical frameworks (Cultural Studies, Orientalism, feminism, psychoanalysis, etc) will be utilized. Syllabus 1st week. General Introduction. About the reading list and grades, etc. 2. History of modern Japanese comics up to 1970's. 3. History of modern Japanese comics up to today. 4. Technical features. 5. Comparative perspective. American and Japanese comics. 6. Comics and animation. 7. Comics and postmodernity I. On the use of balloons. 8. Comics and postmodernity II. Parody and pastiche. 9. Comics and postodernity III. Bildungskomiks. 10. Comics and gender I. Girls' comics and the "otome-tic fantasy." 11. Comics and gender II. On Yaoi and homosexuality. 12. General discussion.

Graduate seminar at the Graduate Shool of Language and Culture, Osaka University. Mon 2nd period.

The Politics of Linguistics

Language and Postmodern Thoughts

1 Introduction
[Topis, authors, tentative list of readings]
2 Linguistics and semiotics. Saussure, Hielmslev, and Whorf: Course, Prolegomena, Problems of General Linguistics (Murakami).
3 Psychoanalysis. Freud and Lacan: Ecrits (Murakami).
4 Deconstruction: Derria: "(To be annouced)." (Wright).
5 Philosophy (of language). Wittgenstein and Rorty: Tractatus logico-philosophicus, Contingency, irony, and solidarity (Murakami).
6 Genealogy. Foucault: "(To be announced)."
Foucault/Harbamas debate (Wright).
7 Author-Text-Reader issues. Fish: Is There a Text in This Class?
Bakhtin: Dostoievskii's Poetics (Murakami).
8 History and narratology. Haydn and Genette: "(To be announced)." (Wright).
9 Transformation grammar. Chomsky: "(To be announced)." (-).
10-14 Chomsky-Foucault debate
15 General discussion
(Term end party)


Graduate seminar at the Graduate Shool of Language and Culture, Osaka University. Fri. 3rd period.

"The Genealogies of Power in Critical Discourse from Early to Post-Modernity": Professors Murakami and Wright, Faculty of Language and Culture
The aim of this course is to trace the theoretical lineage of a series of assumptions about power in western critical discourse, as well as the translation of that discourse into the paradigm of Japanese culture and history. The viability or suitability of that translation will be a central question of the course; an historical perspective on western discourses of power is a crucial starting point for our dialogue. In
beginning the first semester with Machiavelli and Hobbes, we will examine modernity's founding gestures towards a cultural engagement with power and (il)legitimacy. The "genealogical" metaphor which underlies
our methodology in the course will itself be interrogated in discussions of Marxism, Nietzsche, and Foucault. The first term will also include the ramifications of these issues in Japanese critical theory from the Meiji period on. The second term will reflect student interests: possible topics include Said's orientalism, Wendy Brown's feminist critique of liberalism and identity politics, postmodernism's economy of
violence and representation, fascism and Stalinism (including Barbara Spackman's understanding of fascist virilities), or any related issues. Student presentations will be scheduled at topical intervals throughout the year. Texts can be read in the original language, English, or Japanese translation. Where texts are scarce, photocopies will be provided; due to the length of most of the texts, excerpts will generally be assigned. Students will write a final paper at year's end.

First Semester Schedule
1st week: General introduction (Murakami/Wright)
2: Machiavelli, "The Prince" and excerpts from other works (Wright)
3: Hobbes, "Leviathan" (Wright)
4: Student Presentation
5: Mori Amane's "Public Laws of European Nations" and Kato Hiroyuki's
"New Theory of Nations" (Murakami)
6: Marx/Engels/Lenin (Murakami)
possible texts: Marx's "The German Ideology," Engels's "The Origin of
the Family, Private Property, and the State," Lenin's "The State and
7: Student Presentation
8: Gramsci, "The Modern Prince" and the "Letters from Prison" (Wright)
9: Later Marxism (Williams, Jameson, Maruyama, etc.) (Murakami)
10: Student Presentation
11: Nietzsche, "The Genealogy of Morals" (Wright)
Foucault, "The History of Sexuality" and "Nietzsche, Genealogy, History"
12: Student Presentation
13: Rain Date/Term-end Party?




Graduate seminar at the Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University. Fri. 2nd period.

Language and Culture in the International Relations: Study of Contemporary Japanese and American Comics
Having derived from the American counterpart, the post-war Japanese comics has achieved original artistic development and far greater cultural significances. This course is an attempt at a comparative study of comics of both countries, using the insights of poststructural theories, including feminism, deconstruction, Cultural Studies, etc., with special attention to the cultural difference and to the aspects of the postmodernity, observed in two countries after 1980's. Regular attendance, presentation, and an active participation in discussion, which will be led in English, will be required. The course is given in cooperation with Dr Paul Wright.




