Harm Is Preventing Forward Motion Toward A Goal.

Source Domain
motion, journey

Target Domain


Reducing The Effect Of Future Harm Is Giving A Headstart

- 1 Public school segregation was an obstacle in attaining civil rights

- 2 If I can just get around that restriction, I'll be able to graduate

- 3 How am I supposed to learn anything if the school keeps placing roadblocks in my way?

- 4 Once the obstacle of segregation was removed, Blacks went on to show that they could perform as well as White children (they had a clear path)

- 5 Her accident was an enormous setback to her career

- 6 The failure of the experiment puts us back at square one

- 7 The inadequacy of the welfare system forced me to explore pornography (can also participate in the harmful location case)

- 8 I got distracted from my goal

- 9 It's hard to reach the top when you're saddled with an unwanted baby

- 10 How I am supposed to learn anything if I'm weighed down with red tape?

- 11 Welfare exists to lighten the burden of poverty on single parents

- 12 He would have made it (to the pinnacle of his career) if he hadn't strayed off the path

- 13 Our goal is to get drop-outs back on track in school


Alan Schwartz

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