Harm Is Lacking A Needed Possession

Source Domain
possessions, transfer

Target Domain


- 1 If you don't have your health, what have you got?

Being Harmed Is Having A Needed Possession Taken Or Losing A needed possession

- 2 The accident took my health

- 3 I lost my job

- 4 His mistake cost me my job

- 5 I paid for his error with my job

Gain In Well-being Is Gain In Possessions

- 6 The idea bought me time

- 7 I gained status from my decision

- 8 The accident gave me a new perspective on life

Restoration Is Getting A Good Thing In Compensation

Note: accounting balance of good and bad effects. Thus in a sentencelike "Her sympathy compensated him for his injuries", he not onlyreceives her sympathy to balance his injuries, but (as "for"indicates) he receives her sympathy in exchange for his loss.

Note: CAUSAL COMMERCE) and HARM IS HAVING A HARMFUL POSSESSION (which includesnotions of CAUSAL TRANSFER) is still unclear.

Alan Schwartz, Jane Espenson

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